So, a couple weeks ago I signed up for a cake decorating class. And I love it! Plenty of money has been spent on all of cool tips, fun accessories, and nifty gadgets to make the perfect cake.  Okay, well maybe not perfect – but you gotta start somewhere!

There are only three of us girls in this class, one being my long time bestie Brittiany’s Madre Peggy, who I’ve also known well, a long time. And a new wonderful girl my age named Thu. Them and our instructor Jill have made these two classes a wonderfully fun learning experience. It’s like the grown up version of playing with Play-doh! And edible….but wait – isn’t Play-doh edible anyway? Oh well – you get my point.
Lovely lovely Thu perfecting her frosting.

Peggy concentrating and working diligently on her red rainbow stripe.

Thu perfecting her raindow zig zags!

Peggy’s blue frosting was really fabulous. 
And here is my fluffy clouds with clear sprinkles on top. Those add a fun accent – I must buy some for myeslf!! (Probably in many colors, though it’ll take me years to work my way through them I’m sure.)
But they must be mine. Yes.
And now – the final picture…
My First (Nicely Decorated and Properly Taught) Cake.
And it was promptly hoovered by my coworkers today. It was great!
The End.