
I tell you all the time how the Palouse is home, it’s our zen place, our Mecca. It’s where Ben grew up, played in the dirt, and worked with his family in the fields.It’s the smell of the dust, the wind and the rare post-rain cleanliness. The Palouse is the place we yearn to raise a family, grow old and make our dreams a reality. Explaining this might sound simplistic, and even cliche – but unless you have seen it, spent a baby blue, pink and brilliant orange sunset out amongst the hills reflecting light into the wheat – you might never understand.  And that’s okay. A town like that isn’t for everyone, an hour from town, no city lights, no stop lights for miles, and a dwindling life style that seems like a relic of a bygone era. It is so intertwined with who Ben is, it makes my heart swell and makes my love for him grown stronger.

A few weeks ago we visited home and spent our afternoons driving to our favorite spots, visiting family and soaking in every moment we could before returning to Seattle. Here are a few of my favorite snaps that try to convey the depths of my love for this region, this family and this land.

In the field - Fairfield, WA Harvest 2013





IMG_4408Ben’s Grandpa

