I realize that for those who visit here for purely the food are going to be left slightly disappointed. Sorries in advance.

This last weekend I took some photos for my boss’s daughter, her son-in-law and their ridiculously gooby (yes, she’s goobier than Huck!) and impossible-to-tire-out labradork, Mia.

*Sidebar: Karen, if you’re reading this looks away NOW! Kristin said no peeking!*

The aim was to capture some fun family photos to put on the mantle and just get them all together because well, bless Mia’s heart – pup is edging on 10. With the amount of energy this pup is trotting around with she would put pups half her age to shame. Oh, wait. Huck is less than half her age and she still runs laps around his broken allergy-riddled ass.

Sorry pupper. Mama loves you, but you’re a mess.

(For those who don’t know about Huck, he’s allergic to everything including himself, 4 trees, 5 grasses, dust and wait for it – feathers. Talk about the ultimate irony for a bird dog to be allergic to feathers.)


Below are some of the photos I took of the wonderful little family, ball-crazy pup and all. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them.

We trotted around the local dog park just walking and talking and me running circles around them like Mia did with her tennis ball hoping someone might spare a minute just to throw the ball. One. More. Time.

But wrangling a ball-centric pup is a hard thing to do. Pockets packed with treats helped.

Not having their pictures taken since their wedding, it was time to get some fun relaxed cutsey-coupley shots of the love birds.

And Mia took the opportunity to photo-bomb when she could. Couldn’t have been more perfect.

Treats? Oh sure, I’ll focus for three seconds. Hurry. Hurry, I need a treat NOW!

And if you think you could keep a labrador from water? You’ve got another thing coming. It’d be easier to separate atoms.

Is anyone else here a fan of Hyperbole and a Half? Simple dog ring a bell?

(photo borrowed from Hyperbole and a Half. Sadly, my drawings aren’t this awesome.)

Keep in mind this dog, Mia, is not simple.

She’s intently focused on all things tennis ball. Attached to her people to the nth degree. And thinks she’s part “people”.

Best of all – she’s just undeniably sweet.

But what labradork isn’t?

The End.

PS – If you’ve managed to stick it through to the end of this post remember, there is a giveaway going on! So if you need a three pack of really awesome cookie pans – Click HERE!